Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where Will You Watch?

All Things Football Soccer

After watching a STUNNING victory by Team USA this morning, we were wondering where we will watch the game on Saturday.

Here at Ballard Gossip Girl Headquarters, we are big Football Soccer supporters.  We have signed up to help support the USA bid to bring the World Cup to the states.  Which is why we wanted to show you something cool.  They have a match finder feature to find a place to watch the games in your area.  Click HERE to go to the site. We see that The Dray is showing games but didn't see any other Ballard locations.

What we would also like to point out to our dear friends at Market Arms and Connor Byrne is that they need to list their viewing schedules here!

So kids, get your vuvuzela ready to rock!  See you on Saturday!

p.s. Don't forget to sign the petition to bring the World Cup to the US.

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