Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Holiday Thievery at the Spot
We haven't heard anyone else report this brazen crime, so we thought we'd let you know that not only is Ballard now riddled with street fighting thugs and stabby car dwellers it seems to be a target for good ole Holiday Snow Time B&E.
Happy Christmas Everyone! And stay safe.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ballard's Getting Stabbier
Man stabbed in fight over beer in Ballard
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's Snowing In Ballard
Friday, December 12, 2008
Austin Cantina to Close for Xmas...Maybe Forever

This just in - Austin Cantina is considering closing down after they take a two week break starting December 21st! The recession is hitting neighborhood restaurants hard.
Here's what Jefe had to say about the situation:
No Bailout for Austin Cantina
Austin Cantina will be serving dinner only the week of December 16 through December 20, 2008, and then will be closing for 2 weeks to determine if there is enough interest, business, and reserve cash to re-open for business on January 6th. Between being a new restaurant next door to a multi-year construction project, having the sidewalk closed on both sides of 24th Av, and the stock market crash in September, which led to the second largest drop in sales we’ve experienced, followed by monthly decreases in total sales and guests through the door, it is uncertain that we’ll be able to serve guests in our current configuration in the coming year.
We’ve been very fortunate to have a solid base of neighborhood regulars, positive press, and Texan ex-pats who came in to eat, but our peak summer business did not last long enough and did not create enough of a cushion to carry us through a slow, cold, dark winter. The dramatic drop in sales has us asking if there is any way that this business could succeed in this space, at this time. We’ll spend 2 weeks introspectively considering that question, and determine if there is any way to survive and thrive on NW 24th.