Monday, February 22, 2010

Matador - Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice, Well, Still Shame on You

Last week I enjoyed an afternoon at Matador with a fellow BGGer. We had a couple of drinks, some apps and watched some Olympics. When it was time to go, we did what most people do, gave two credit cards and asked them to split the bill down the middle. We each signed our slips, left a nice tip, and off we went. So imagine my surprise when later in the week I was looking at my bank statement online and there appeared not one, but TWO charges from Matador. Instead of splitting the bill between two cards, they put both charges on mine!

I probably wouldn't be so irate if this wasn't the second time they did this. On March 30, 2008 I blogged about this exact same thing!
Seriously, how hard is it to run two separate credit cards?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Google Friends and Fiber Network in Ballard?!

We would love to participate in a trial for super-high speed internet. Imagine how fast the snark would fly if we were wired for speed?

We personally hate Comcast with a vengence and would love some competition in our neck of the woods. Bring it Google!

Remember, the internet is not a truck. It's a series of tubes. And sometimes those tubes get clogged. So, bring your tube clogging solution to Ballard and let us see what you've got.

Help us campaign, Ballardites! Apply here!